ESG for CHRO’s

Dear Aspirational Leader,

This message is Part 3 of a Series dedicated to translating ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) strategies into real business speak. Find the full series here.

Surprisingly, HR leaders seem to be left out of the ESG conversation, even though this team oversees the second largest group of ESG activities, including employee health, workplace safety, equitable pay & DEI efforts. (The first is operations)

This is great news because you can go further in ESG if you already have a highly functioning HR team.

If you're a CHRO- the #1 thing you should be doing is considering the SHRM BoCK and integrating the recommended principles into your organization. Oh, and ensure your CEO is implementing solid DEI efforts into the board oversight work.

You got this.

Need the full reference guide ASAP? Respond to this message, and I'll send it over.

Here with you,



ESG for Operations Officers


ESG for CFOs