Where Do We Start?

Despite what you might be hearing in the news… ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) considerations are being driven by market forces - not political whim.

In fact, ESG-related forces are coming from investors, customers, employees procurement teams and communities. Like it or not, this pressure means that ESG is now not just a competitive advantage, it’s an expectation of your business.

Here’s a graphic showing the use of ESG-related terms over that last 10 years in Indiana’s top industries.

If you’re still trying to wrap your head around what this means for your business, there are a few questions you can use to guide this discussion in the C-suite:

  • How are regulatory shifts around ESG affecting your industry? Is your organization taking a proactive stance towards those risks or a wait-and-see approach?

  • What environmental, social or ethical considerations do your customers now consider in their decision-making process? Are you identifying and communicating these needs to improve your perceived value?

  • How are your competitors using environmental issues, community engagement or ethical leadership to differentiate and improve talent recruitment? Are you building thought leadership or losing ground?

You might be at risk if you don’t have an answer to any one of those questions.

Industry assessments, a competitive landscapes analysis, or an internal audit can be a great way to determine your path forward - please let me help.

To get started, book time for a conversation!


ESG Strategies - Building Advantage Without the Controversy


The ABC’s of ESG