The ABC’s of ESG

There are so many opinions about ESG these days that sometimes it’s hard to keep up.

Can we bring it back to basics?

A well-thought-out ESG report should be as critical as your P&L in identifying gaps and supporting future strategic planning.

Here are three questions you can ask at your next C-suite meeting to test the waters of ESG:

  • What climate-related risks are emerging that could impact our supply chain?

  • What ethical issues or conflicts of interest could impact our brand perception or cause regulatory violations?

  • What employee needs or energy requirements may interrupt our ability to operate profitably?

Your team is most likely prepared to answer some of these questions, at least at a basic level -- which means you’re ready for ESG to unlock new opportunities for innovation and collaboration.

And if they’re not prepared to answer these questions -- shoot me a note to set up an emergency call.

Either way, I’m here with you.



Where Do We Start?


You’re Ready