You’re Ready

I heard a story the other day about a speaker at Davos who answered a question about the future of ESG with the quote, "I wish it would all go away."

This story resonates alongside a key question in my No B.S. ESG talk... when I ask people whether they see social impact as a tremendous opportunity to generate profit, or just one more new thing they have to manage.  

Which side are you on?

If you fall on the side of wishing ESG, Sustainability, or Social Impact would just go away, you're not alone. 

Unfortunately, I think it's too late for wishful thinking.  

  • Consumers won't suddenly ask for LESS transparency. 

  • Employees won't disregard poor treatment of coworkers or partners.

  • Investors won't discard a balanced approach to short term and long-term gains.

  • Communities won't invite companies to generate vast amounts of money to the detriment of their children or neighbors. 

If ESG feels big and complex and stressful, you're not alone. But it's not new....  organizing towards a common goal is what organizations already do. 

We set a vision for the way we want to move forward. We find the opportunities to create value. We align the people and resources to pull it off. We get started, measure, and improve.  

And you're ready. 

Here with you,


The ABC’s of ESG


Start Anew